Not Just Another Option: 4 Ways to Get People to Talk About Your Business

We’re living in the age of entrepreneurship where everyone seems to be either starting their own business or at least coming up with a money-making side hustle. Many people simply want to get paid to do what they enjoy on their own terms. But because everyone seems to be selling T-shirts that they’ve designed or making cupcakes it can be difficult to stand out among the crowd. Fortunately, there are ways for the fledgling entrepreneur to stand out in an ever-expanding sea of businesses.

Advertise on Social Media

Social media is something that people have mixed feelings about. But there’s no denying the popularity of social media when nearly five billion people are using it in some capacity. Because social media is so popular, it only makes sense to have a presence on it. Some of the most popular social media sites are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • TikTok
  • Snapchat

In addition to interacting with potential customers regularly on social media, you may also want to place ads promoting your products or services. Although interacting with people on social media is a good way to promote your business, paid advertisements are another tool you can use if you want to draw more attention to your business.

Create a Company Website

In this day and age, it’s practically a necessity for a company to have its own website. And although it’s great to have a business profile on social media, nothing beats having a dedicated place where potential customers can go to check out your products or services. Having your own company website says to others that you’re professional and should be taken seriously.

When creating your company site make sure to take SEO-friendly web design into consideration. Otherwise, you could be building a site that no one will visit. Designing a site with SEO or search engine optimization in mind will give you an edge over your competitors for the simple reason that potential customers will have a better chance of discovering you.

Provide Great Customer Service

Customer service can be the life or death of a business, depending on whether it’s good or bad. When a company provides good customer service it’s as good as money in the bank because you’re sure to get a return customer. In addition, that satisfied customer will tell others about the great service they received from you, which translates into more potential customers.

Just as good customer service can cause your business to thrive, bad customer service can run it into the ground. If a company has awful customer service customers might talk about them, but it won’t be in a good way. There may be no quicker way for a business to die than if customers consistently report having a bad experience with it.

Provide a Great Product or Service

Another way to get people talking about your business is to provide a great product or service. Whether you’re selling handmade scarves or tree trimming services, if the product that you provide is of such high quality that it surpasses your customers’ expectations, they are sure to tell others about you. It’s true that nothing speaks louder than quality.

A quality product or service also shows customers that you’re skilled in what you do. After all, if you’re a newer business or one that hasn’t received much attention, customers are taking a chance by paying you their hard-earned money for your services. Leaving customers satisfied will make you and your customers feel good.

More and more people are starting businesses for the freedom it gives them and the joy it provides. But because there are so many people taking the leap into entrepreneurship it can be difficult to stand out.

Still, doing things like advertising on social media, creating a company website, providing great customer service, and delivering a quality product can go a long way in getting people to talk about your business. You might be surprised by the number of new customers you get once people hear about you.


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