Double Iron Consulting: Challenges Family Businesses Face

In this current economy, family business owners may be encountering new struggles. They may need help figuring out where to turn for help because their business is unique and needs tailored advice to help it thrive. Double Iron Consulting was founded to help family businesses through these same challenges.

William Smith, Royal Cup Coffee’s former CEO, runs Double Iron Consulting. He has an excellent, in-depth understanding of small businesses and the troubles they may face, primarily thanks to his involvement with Royal Cup Coffee – and even though he’s no longer the company’s CEO, he is still connected with them as a board director and as an advisor. Bill Smith created his consulting firm to help other businesses overcome their challenges and thrive.

In this article, find out everything business leaders might want to know about Double Iron Consulting and how this firm may be able to help them.

How Does Double Iron Consulting Help Businesses Thrive?

Double Iron Consulting is a firm completely dedicated to helping small family businesses tackle the problems and challenges they face – and in today’s world, their services are needed more than ever.

The company’s owner, William Smith, was the CEO of Royal Cup Coffee – a family business passed down through three generations. Although he is not involved on day-to-day decisions, he still has a lot to do with the business, and his time with them has given him unique insight into the difficulties that many small businesses face.

Double Iron Consulting is the result of this insight, and it’s there for any struggling business. Some of the biggest challenges that many family businesses face include the following:

Employment Issues

Being able to manage employees well is essential to good business and being able to follow labor laws is critical. Many issues can arise when dealing with employees, and it’s important to recognize them and prevent them wherever possible. Family businesses, as in other businesses, must follow the requirements set by our legal system.

Entitlement Issues

Family businesses involve blood relationships, which can come with a lot of complexity. It’s vital for every player in the business to be heard and for their feelings to be recognized. Family members may feel entitled to jobs, equity, dividends, etc. Dealing with and managing against these expectations takes a lot of work and careful stewardship.

Emotional Issues

There’s no way to separate emotions from a family business completely. This can lead to an uneasy mix of work and personal relationships. Negative emotions can cause a lot of resentment and difficulties within a business, and personal problems may spill over into bigger issues that prevent effective work.

Succession Issues

Dealing with succession questions is always difficult when passing on a family business. Many businesses only survive through two generations and then get broken up or sold by the third or fourth generations. There are many things to consider when you think about succession and evaluating all the different aspects is crucial.

These are just a few of the common issues family and non-family businesses face. However many other issues may arise as a business grows and develops. William Smith and the team at Double Iron Consulting specialize in providing guidance and expert advice to help resolve these issues and help businesses succeed.

Some might wonder if the firm has what it takes to help, but Bill Smith’s understanding of family businesses has allowed his company to stand out. He was involved with his family’s coffee business from a young age, so he’s had plenty of time to grow through experience and understand these sorts of difficulties family businesses tend to encounter.

He charted the coffee company through some significant challenges, including a rebranding initiative and a major expansion, so he knows first-hand how to approach these issues. Although he has stepped down as the CEO and President, he’s still on the board of Royal Cup Coffee, demonstrating his ongoing commitment to the company’s success.

Nobody understands family businesses like those who have been a part of them – and William Smith brings decades of experience to the table.

A business owner like the ones William Smith helps buttons his suit coat

What Does Double Iron Consulting Specialize In?

Double Iron Consulting covers a wide range of areas, but it does particularly specialize in a few key aspects of business management. The firm provides the following services:

  • Succession planning
  • Leadership development
  • Strategic growth
  • Change management
  • Customer experience
  • Internal Alignment

The company can help family business owners no matter what their current plans are. It’s particularly well-placed to guide businesses through periods of transition, whether that’s getting a new marketing plan off the ground or bringing in a new leadership team. The consultants help prioritize issues, identify and pre-empt problems, and keep everything flowing as smoothly as possible.

Many businesses are looking to redirect themselves to suit the changes in the environment that have occurred since the pandemic. Double Iron Consulting is a significant part of this process. They can offer guidance and strategies to help companies grow in sustainable, low-risk ways.

One of the best things about working with an external firm is that they can spot weaknesses and strengths within the business because they bring in a new perspective. They have the experience to be able to offer sound advice. If family businesses are uncertain about which path to choose or how to pivot, their input will likely be invaluable.

Double Iron Consulting is well-placed to help family businesses. Its founder has first-hand insights into the difficulties that family-owned businesses often encounter, and the firm offers a wide range of services to help its clients make changes whenever needed. Businesses that work with Double Iron Consulting are in safe hands.

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