How To Make Tickets For An Event – 2022 Guide

Have you planned your webinar or online masterclass and now struggle to get people to join? Would you like to learn a better way to manage the registration process without hindering the urge factor?

Here you will find how to make tickets for an event that rocks. Apart from the catchy title and big premise, we gathered everything you need to know to successfully create tickets while increasing brand perception and leveraging several marketing tools.

Choose all of them or use these tips as inspiration, your choice. Every strategy works as long as you do not cut corners. In other words, different tools for achieving the same result will yield varying outcomes. Every virtual event host’s job is to make sure the ticketing module still adds to the customer’s experience in a valuable way.

How To Make Tickets for An Event

Step 1: Align The Event Timetable With The Proper Software

You created a show—contacted panellists, special guests, and whatnot. Ideally, everything is ready to start. But you still need to engage your audience and sell potential customers tickets. From a technical point of view, this situation gives rise to some questions:

  • Are you going to offer different payment options?
  • Did you insert a powerful call to action on the landing page for the registration?
  • How do you plan to manage the sign-up and check-in process?
  • Would you describe the attendee’s experience in buying the tickets as seamless?

The simplest solution to manage electronic ticketing is to rely on event ticketing software like Eventtia. This platform prevents you from messing with your website’s code to add all the features and tools you need to stream your online event.

Once you set up the streaming platform, it is time to design your ticket!

Step 2: Turn Your Ticket Into A Piece Of Marketing Collateral For You And Others

Discussing how to make tickets for an event means being on-brand and having an eye-catching design. First and foremost, tickets should display all the event information, including the name, time, and date.

You may send your ticket via email. But the feel and expectations that come with buying a ticket should never be ignored. Above all, you would benefit from using the attendee data you collected during registration. In this way, everyone gets a custom-made ticket.

Of course, you cannot sell any tickets if no one knows about your virtual event. Consider involving as many companies and commercial partners as you can to promote your event in exchange for a display of sponsorship on your ticket. You can also let your sponsors provide content for your registration page.

You can create remarkable ticket designs using free templates online. Or you can hire a professional graphic designer, depending on your budget. In any case, strive to give mementos or peculiar pieces of art that people may even print out of respect and delight.

Step 3: Focus On The Online Visitor’s Decision-Making Process

You may have the perfect ticket by now. But do you have the ideal selling page for your event?

Tickets are more than final contracts. Sometimes, they are even the result of irrational choices. Think of presale tickets for shows that have no program yet. Most likely, a likable, charismatic person sold the ticket to someone ready to buy it for reasons that may not apply to most of us. Or so we would think.

Does your ticket sales page convey the consequences of missing out on your event? The anticipation of future regret weighs heavily on most visitors. But it works in both ways. In detail, potential attendees may worry about wasting their time and money. Or to not find an appropriate solution to their individual problems.

Try adding a refund deadline on the ticket. For most business meetings, being willing to offer refunds to attendees who did not find the first part of the event worthwhile is enough. If you focus on providing high-quality content and good support for any inquiry, the refund rate will be irrelevant.

Step 4: Get Affiliates First And Decide On The Price Later

Not only do you have to know how to make tickets for an event, but you also have to sell them successfully. Luckily, affiliates can take some of the pressure off your shoulders by helping you sell lots of tickets for a commission.

Having an affiliate program can generate buzz. But such a result is not a given. Usually, the higher the commission, the more intensive the affiliates’ effort.

According to the latest statistics, half of your audience will be between 25 and 44. So, you could target it by providing your affiliates with content they can use on various social media.

Most entrepreneurs still focus on just one social media to promote their event. Or they turn to paid ads. Every strategy is worth checking out. But on average, affiliates provide better ROI. After all, the expense is minimal once you set up the affiliate program.

Step 5: Learn From Your Past Mistakes

Although the idea of getting your ticket right the first time is alluring, that scenario is not very realistic. Every event has flaws that may undermine its success, even at the ticket selling stage.

No guide on how to make tickets for an event would be complete without the wisest suggestion of all: ask for feedback.

Of course, you can set up questionnaires for attendees that went through your event. But what you need to focus on is the ones who did not attend. Can you come up with a way to get their take on why they did not buy a ticket?

You may be familiar with pop-up offers that try to entice you to buy a ticket once you close a registration page. Often, the admin gives extra discounts. Or freebies. But why not insert a feedback module instead?

Let the runway visitor pick an answer from a list. Or better yet, add a text box they can fill with their thoughts and worries. Next, improve your marketing strategies!

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