Want To Start With SEO On A Budget: Here Are 7 Things You Can Do

You have been DIY SEO, or maybe you have hired professionals to do SEO for your company. It’s already been three months, and there has not been a single-digit increase in your traffic, leads, and sales.

You have now finally started worrying about why your SEO strategy is not working. Perhaps SEO is not the right strategy for your business.

As the frustration piles up one after another, several questions start popping inside your head.

– How long does SEO take to give results?

– Should I hire a professional instead of DIY?

– Were there loopholes in the SEO strategies?

– Did I hire the wrong professional?

With SEO’s dynamic nature, it is hard to tell which will work and which will not, especially when the digital trends keep on changing like seconds.

We, as SEO professionals, may not know all the reasons and mechanisms working behind the scenes, but we do know one thing: The SEO strategy that we performed last year might be outdated this year.

Perhaps your SEO strategies are not performing and bringing any results because you are still using outdated and old-fashioned SEO Strategies. An SEO agency like Sure Oak will customize a strategy that fits your business’s needs and goals. You can book a strategy session with them to find out how their results-driven SEO strategies and supportive marketing services can help reach your goals.

That being said, today, we are here to discuss some SEO strategies that are better abandoned than carrying on.

SEO Strategies That No-Good & Needs To Be Abandoned Forever

The internet has evolved from what it had been back in the 2000s to a network that connects almost anything and everything.

That being said, the SEO strategies that were common back in the time are no longer needed today. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this fact.

This is the reason why they are still sticking with SEO strategies like Keyword Stuffing, Spinning Content, and developing short, thin content.

If you want your business to get everything that SEO has to offer, you need SEO strategies that are relevant to the current market and trends. To understand how potent these strategies are, try it out and see the results for yourself.

As a part of the digital marketing industry, you need to know that some SEO strategies have become stale and are no longer helpful.

Here are the SEO strategies you should remove from your marketing playbook.

1. Writing For Search Engines

One of the biggest mistakes in SEO strategies marketers make is writing content for the robots and search engines.

They forget that there are two audiences online for whom the content is being published.

  • First, the search engine who will validate the content and push for rankings.
  • Second, the audiences who will actually read the content to the last word.

Most content creators forget that the content needs to have a human touch to connect with the readers. If the readers are not finding your content helpful, it will eventually drop in rankings.

2. Abusing Keywords

Keyword abuse was the thing of the past when keyword stuffing, irrelevant keyword targeting, and high keyword density made the content rank on search engines.

Today, it is considered Black Hat SEO.

If someone is still using this strategy, it is time to stop. Abusing keywords will affect your website’s health and send red signals to search engines. In the worst case, your content can get a permanent ban.

3. Targeting Exact Match Search Queries

The practices of targeting exact-match queries have been one of the fodder SEO strategies to get relevant traffic to your website.

However, it is not as popular as it used to be!

Today, this strategy is hardly used by any marketer, and even if they use it, there are hardly any results to show.

4. Article Marketing

Article marketing was like low-hanging fruit for the marketers to get the best out of SEO strategies. And that time, it all made sense. After all, even the TV channels were doing the same thing.

However, Google caught on with what was happening online and came up with the Panda update. This update was like Thor’s hammer for all the crappy content being posted on the internet.

Today, you need original content to stand a chance on SEO rankings.

5. Article Spinning

This used to be a thing a couple of years ago. People used to spin articles to look brand new. This is typically done with software and falls under black hat SEO.

Although you get an article from spinning the original one, the end product is nothing more than a garbled mess.

Today, search engines can identify a spun article with the first scan and mark it red. This strategy will never work if you want to get results from SEO efforts.

6. Relying On Third-Party Domain Authority Scores

Domain authority is important for any website. It defines your website’s value on the internet. Hence, you cannot just be relying on just any domain checker.

If your SEO strategies consist of third-party domain checks, you might not be getting the exact and real data. So, always use authentic and credible Domain checkers like MOZ to filter out quality websites.

7. Publishing Thin Content

Publishing content that is meant for just reading is not worth publishing. Those content will never perform on the search engines.

If you are not publishing content with an intent to teach your readers something, don’t publish any content. Readers love to enjoy longer and more detailed content that adds value to their life.

8. Buying Links

One of the main strategies of SEO is link building or guest posing.

What this does is that you publish content and get a link directing to your website. As we know that getting an inbound link from a high authority website is good for your website, people started buying links.

Google identified this behavior and started penalizing the websites taking part in buying and selling links.  Hence, it is important that you understand SEO and how guest posting works.

9. Using Too Long Tail Keyword

Yes, using a long-tail keyword in your content is a good strategy. This not only helps you fill your digital content with rich and healthy keywords but also creates a new funnel to direct audiences to your websites.

However, marketers have taken the whole concept of using long-tail keywords too far with too long keywords.

Using too-long keywords doesn’t fit well with your content and stands out negatively. This affects your content quality.

10. Posting Fake Consumer Review

Yes, this is still happening today!

In fact, most entrepreneurs are using this tactic to make their business more credible and authentic. However, here is the truth.

People have become digital-savvy and can differentiate between a genuine review and a custom made just for the sake of SEO.

Avoid posting fake reviews. This will only deteriorate your reputation in the market.

Remove From Your SEO Strategy Playbook!

After going through the article, you must have realized that you are still following some of the SEO strategies mentioned above.

Well, you are using these Strategies; stop doing so!

These SEO strategies will not bring any good to your business. Instead, it will only consume your time, effort, and money.


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