Social media analysis – how it helps your marketing strategies

For many involved in digital marketing, the analysis of social networks must already be a term with which they are very familiar. Still, if you have never heard of this or want to know a little more, this article may be helpful for you.

Before we will explain what social media analysis is, how it works, and its marketing strategies. As you know, every advertising strategy has an effectiveness measurement; in the same way, it is essential to have reports and analyses to determine how well your actions are working when publishing on social networks.

What is Social Media Analysis

  • For a long time, we have not conceived a brand without a presence in the digital world, and of course, its profile on social networks is essential.
  • Nowadays, when the world accelerated its digital transformation in an almost obligatory way in less than half a year.
  • Digital identity became more relevant than ever. For this, we must make the most of digital channels, understand our audiences, and design more effective communication campaigns.
  • The digital marketing agency, an expert in managing and creating multi-step digital acquisition strategies, leveraged new opportunities for social media content creation to boost their advertisers’ performance.
  • The analysis of social networks plays a vital role.
  • According to Talkwaker, a platform specialized in monitoring social networks and the internet.
  • Social media analytics is the process of collecting insights derived from data from your social accounts and campaigns.
  • Both structured and unstructured, which you can later use to track your performance, improve it, and make informed decisions.
  • In a more in-depth way, the company explains comparatively that social media analysis is “like having access to a large focus group.
  • where consumers talk about new products, brands, bad customer service, good customer service, and competitors. ”.

What social media analytics offers

  • In response to this current need, the monitoring company recently shared a statement about myths, facts, and other interesting facts that we can know about this valuable tool for our campaigns.
  • He also presented a guide for analyzing social networks that, if you like, you can explore in more detail.
  • Among the many benefits that this tool offers to companies are checking your ROI in social networks, creating social media campaigns, and verifying in real-time.
  • if they work or not, comparing your brand’s performance with its competitors, and identifying topics in trend.

How social media analytics works

  • The analysis must consider the most important platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
  • All of them have metrics that you can monitor by Facebook Analytics, YouTube Analytics, which provide data on followers, engagement, impressions, clicks, etc.
  • But these analyses only cover each social network, and there is no comparison between them. This would have to be done manually, and it is challenging.
  • For this reason, there are some platforms indicated for monitoring, such as Talkwalker, and other alternatives such as Cife, Sprout Social that can analyze texts, images, and videos shared online; In addition to the analysis of social networks.
  • It is ideal for adding news websites, blogs, forums, and review sites, and with these platforms, you can achieve it.

How to choose a tool for analysis

  • To select one, you must have your primary purpose defined, basically to determine what you want to measure.
  • If it’s a social performance, monitor public relations, or if you need to get insights about your product. This way, you can align your needs and determine the magnitude of the search and the costs.
  • In the case of Talkwaker, they offer you a comprehensive, innovative technology based on Artificial Intelligence capable of recognizing brand logos, places, and objects within an image or video.
    On the other hand, its main metrics are mentions, engagement, sentiment, virality, visual observations, and voice share.
  • As a next step, the visualized data is processed in a graph: simple, circular, or even as a virality map that shows how a publication, article,.
  • The blog is disseminated through the Internet. It also relies on a system that has topic clouds with terms linked to keywords, emoji clouds, hashtag clouds, graphics, and word clouds.
  • This tool allows companies to monitor many public social channels as if they were their own.
  • It can generate a central analysis dashboard for all the brand’s accounts.
  • Allows you to observe competitors through competitive benchmarking provides reports, and helps identify potential influencers for your brands.
  • Talwaker measures social networks and covers more than 150 million websites worldwide, blogs, forums, news sites, print, among others.
  • They also claim that they can monitor your competitors’ social channels to find out their keywords and hashtags in public posts.

However, they cannot analyze any private data, including messaging applications.

Who can benefit from this tool

  • Doing a social media analysis isn’t just for social media administrators or marketers.
  • This tool can be handy for those who handle public relations and corporate communications.
  • Since they can measure the impact and ROI of their campaigns.
  • It can also be very effective for product managers, news media, and political groups.
  • That need to know how the information they circulate on the internet behaves.
  • So if you have a social media account that already has several followers.
  • you want to know if what you are doing is working correctly as you set out.
  • This can be a way to get feedback on your communications on social media.

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