6 Types Of Display Boards To Stand Out At Your Next Trade Show

When it comes to trade shows, one of the most important motives of the exhibit is to grab the attention of potential customers.

With all your competitors in the same room, competing hard to attract your target audience, what is it that you can do to win?

Participating in trade shows is a huge investment. Therefore, it is important that you make the best out of your time and money.

The thing that appeals to humans the most, is visuals. Thus, a brilliant way to grab the attention of your target audience is by using alluring and unique display boards.

The brilliance and unique designs of your display boards contributes towards efficiently captivating your customers. Hence, we have brought you some of the best types of display boards for trade shows to help you stand out from the crowd.

1. Roller Banner Stands

Banner stands are probably the most commonly used display stands at trade shows all over the world. With a range of effective options and designs, most organisations imperatively use different kinds of banner stands at trade shows.

Roller banners come in different styles like retractable and cassette. Retractable banners consist of one design that perfectly fits into the base unit for efficient portability.

While the cassette banners are similar to retractables, their cassette mechanism makes them ideal for a quick change between different banners.

2. Cafe Barriers

Cafe barriers are known for their portability and versatility. These brilliant display boards are perfect for the outdoors. However, they also efficiently work as a barrier at the edges of your trade stall.

Cafe barriers are often found at restaurants, cafes and bars as a way to market a product while also organising the crowd. Smart use of the cafe barriers can greatly grab the attention of potential customers.

Moreover, they can also help separate your trade stalls into various sections and make it easier for customers to approach you.

3. Pop Up Displays

Pop up displays are large display boards commonly used to provide a backdrop for the brand and entice customers with new offers, updates and brand information.

In some cases, they require a little effort to carry around and are hard to put together. However, they create a strong impression that lasts longer and is more alluring.

Found in various styles and designs, pop up displays are one of the most impressionable display boards you need at your trade shows.

4. Literature Holders

Literature holders are simple yet powerful marketing tools. Most consumers at a trade show are looking for brochures, pamphlets and magazines to get context about a brand.

You can efficiently provide your potential clients with all the information they need with the help of these display stands.

They greatly help you save the cost and hassle of hiring people to distribute flyers and make your trade stall seem more professional.

5. Lightboxes

Perfect for mid to large-sized trade stalls, LED lightboxes will automatically enhance the appearance and brand image of your trade stalls.

Available in all kinds of shapes and sizes including circular and rectangular, these LED display boards are portable, lightweight and very easy to use.

Some lightboxes can also play videos and moving images which is all the more enticing and can help you attract most customers at the trade show.

6. Hanging Structures

Hanging structures might seem like they don’t make much of a difference, but the truth is they are a brilliant marketing tool at trade shows.

Given the fact that they are available in various structures, they can be customised based on your brand image.

These display boards are frequently used by organisations to create a stronger brand presence and effectively attract distant consumers.

To Sum It Up

These were the six most effective types of display boards that can help you stand out at a trade show. After learning all about the various display stands available on the market, you can now choose the best ones for yourself.

Ensure that you keep your brand image and identity in mind before you decide the designs of your display boards.


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