Bitcoin’s 13 Years at a Glance

Just one month before, we heard that Bitcoin had completed its 13 years in the market. It came in 2009 by the mystery man Satoshi Nakamoto and was showcased in 2008 with its whitepaper. Within a few months, it was quickly seen up and running in the market, but later it picked up. On the other hand, we hear that China has banned mining and Bitcoin and other crypto in the wake of coming out of its digital coin. However, this has not brought the Chinese to lose hope for Bitcoin.

On the contrary, the support for Bitcoin’s market seemed great going guns, and the institutional and retail-based investors brought the coin to rank high in 2021. The entire year was fantastic except for a few weeks.

Bitcoin's 13 Years at a Glance

After that, it went close to 69 K USD. Thus keeping these things in mind, it is always a good idea to explore Bitcoin and its history in a big way. If you also want to start trading in cryptocurrencies, you just need to find a trusted trading platform like this Bitcoin trading robot. We will cover the significant events of Bitcoin over the past 13 years in the following paragraphs.

Bitcoin market value – 1 T USD

In Feb 2019, we heard that the coin hit the market value of the 1 Trillion USD mark for the first time. It celebrates as a milestone that most investors and top financial companies have supported crypto since then.

These included the IT giant – MicroStrategy and Tesla, to name a few. We also saw PayPal, Square, and JP Morgan entering the show.

Wealthy Clients

In March of the same year, we heard about the top and wealthy clients like Morgan Stanley entering the bandwagon of Bitcoin. He embarked with the first US-based bank worldwide to allow their customers to access BTC funds with their accounts. It all started when one client demanded exposure to Bitcoin.

The investment bank quickly launched this service, allowing everyone to access three different funds. In addition, it helps in enabling ownership of Bitcoin. Thus the event turned big, becoming a key milestone for Bitcoin.

El Salvador adopting BTC as a legal tender

It was among the biggest news in the world of Bitcoin when the South American nation passed a bill in favour of Bitcoin. The country named a law about adopting Bitcoin as a legal tender. It helped the country become the only nation in the world to do so.

The law they passed in their house allowed them to pay taxes and goods in El Salvador. Businesses can pay the price of their products and services in Bitcoin. In addition, the exchanges will not have any capital gain tax claimed in the reports.

The launching of US Futures BTC ETF

The company ProShares came with the future BTC ETF in the market, giving the best of the debut on NYSE under the ticker of BITO. The coin came up with ETF, which helps in tracking the contracts that further help in forecasting the future of the currency and the digital assets.

So instead of the currency price of the spot moment of the digital coin, you have an ETF coming from a US-based company. However, the company brought some of the best results taking the highest of the records in the market.

The BTC Price remained all-time high In the market.

When Bitcoin and other coins were going down in 2021, we soon saw the surge returning in the market. By the end of November, when Bitcoin rose to 70K USD per coin, we also saw the total crypto market surpassing a whopping 3 T USD.

The coin price has reached a new world record, becoming a key milestone in the market.

The first upgrade of Bitcoin after eight years of its inception

A few years after the advent of Bitcoin in the market, we saw an exciting and highly anticipated update coming into the Bitcoin world. It came into effect in 2017. Bitcoin was known as Taproot, which was brought by Schnorr signatures.

It helps BTC transactions become both efficient and private in the market. Also, the coin became less expensive for people not keen on getting BTC at a higher cost.

More importantly, the upgrade you can find help in giving Bitcoin to implement the smart contracts or even the collections of code that further helps give away the instructions on the Blockchain.

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