How to make a marketing plan? 6 steps to boost your brand in 2021

Knowing how to make a marketing plan is essential to boost your brand, your business, or your entrepreneurial idea.

The truth is that “the new normal” has rethought the way to reach audiences and, currently, marketing plays an essential role in making your content known online.

That is the need to know how to make a marketing plan to stand out from your competition and win over your target audience in an effective way.

If you want to boost your brand or you have just launched your business, today we will tell you to step by step how to make a digital marketing plan in order to meet the goals of your project and leave your customers more than satisfied.

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What is a marketing plan?

digital marketing

Before knowing how to make a marketing plan, it is pertinent that, first, you know its definition.

A marketing plan is a document that gathers the background, objectives, strategies, tactics, the actions to be carried out, and the monitoring of a brand or company.

In short, it is a route guide that helps guide and position a business in the market based on short, medium, or long-term objectives.

So that the purpose of knowing how to make a marketing plan is not just ideas, it is necessary that you define what stage your company is in and where you want to go with it.

Thus, through deep and detailed research, you will be able to determine the best way to attract your potential clients and keep your target.

Therefore, it is essential that you know how to do a market study to identify the opportunities for your business in the current context.

And now that you know what a marketing plan is, let’s find out what it is for and why it is so required today.

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Digital Marketing Plan: What Is Its Importance?

A marketing plan is no longer an option for brands, as it has now become a primary need. But why is a digital marketing plan so important?

According to Inbound Cycle, these are the main reasons:

Are you new to the sector? Knowing how to make a digital marketing plan will allow you to know your market share and obtain a broader vision of the field.

Find out what your competition does and thus also discover the pain points of your buyer persona.

Define a communication strategy focused on your goals and ensure they are consistent.

Avoid surprises or complications that hinder the fulfillment of your business objectives.

Shoestring budget? Calm down! The digital marketing plan will help you plan your actions so that you can know how much you should invest and what resources to allocate to each one of them.

You will be able to make periodic evaluations to know how the process is going and even make improvement decisions.

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Digital marketing strategies: How to elaborate them?

digital marketing

As we mentioned above, one of the most important elements when knowing how to make a marketing plan is a strategy, that is, the set of actions and methods that will help you achieve your goals.

And you will wonder how to create an effective strategy in the digital marketing plan? We share the basic aspects to develop an effective digital marketing strategy with which you can place your company on the right path.

These are the elements that you should take into account for your digital marketing strategy:

Discover your Buyer Persona

The first step is finding out “who is the customer?” or “who am I talking to on social media?” is to build your profile through a buyer persona. This profile will be one of the first steps you will build to put together your digital marketing strategy.

Identify your digital channels and monitoring tools

Once the target market has been defined, you need to incorporate different digital channels into your marketing strategy to spread your content.

How to know if your digital strategy is being received by your target audience? To do this, you need to know how to measure it and thus adjust (if required) your digital marketing strategy.

How to make a digital marketing plan? We teach you to step by step

Now that you are soaked in what a digital marketing plan is, it is time to learn how to make an effective marketing plan.

To know how to make a digital marketing plan for 2021, you must take into account the following recommendations :

Analyze your presence on social networks

This is where you analyze the situation your brand is in in the digital sphere. In this way, you will know where you are in front of your competition.

Determine the most important milestones of your brand

Do you know the most important achievements of your digital marketing plan from the previous year?

One of the good practices that you should carry out before the end of the year is to review which digital actions were the ones that performed the best according to the established objective.

How to include these milestones? You can use this timeline template in Excel or use a timeline template in Word to summarize the most relevant milestones of recent years in order to identify the points in your strategy that have worked best.

Set the objectives of your digital marketing plan

Before executing your digital marketing strategy, it is imperative that you set your SMART goals. But what are they and how to create them?
SMART goals will help you achieve success with your digital marketing actions.

These objectives must comply with the 5 rules:

Specific: the objective will be as concrete and detailed as possible.
Measurable: the objective will be quantifiable.
Achievable: the goal should be ambitious, but achievable.
Relevant: the objective will be adapted to the reality of the company or business.
On-time: the objective must have a deadline, a deadline.

Know your digital audience

Knowing who your target is, knowing their interests and what their behavior is like on social networks is key to the development of your digital marketing strategy.

This is where the buyer persona takes center stage. You don’t know how to create your buyer persona? We leave you a picture that will surely serve you.

Define the basis of your digital marketing plan

We are already at the most important point, where you will unleash your creativity, to develop your strategies, tactics, and actions that will help you achieve your main objective.

Digital ecosystem

Have you already defined your investment in your digital marketing plan? Well, now you must establish your paid media and your own media that you will use to carry out your actions in the digital marketing plan.

Remember that the digital ecosystem of each social network is different, therefore, it is important that you know which social networks are best suited to your marketing plan and which functions of these platforms are the most appropriate to disseminate your content.

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