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WiFi or network cable: what is better to connect the console to the Internet?

WiFi or network cable: what is better to connect the console to the Internet?

Until the arrival of the WiFi connection, to connect a computer to the Internet or another computer, we needed a network card and an Ethernet cable. What we call network cable. Thanks to WiFi, we

What is telecommunications – History of telecommunications and its types

What is telecommunications – History of telecommunications and its types

What is telecommunications When we speak of telecommunications, we refer to the science and practice of transmitting information by electromagnetic means using several specialized techniques and materials. Such data can consist of text data, audio,

Digital and Analog Signal What is it and its Types

Digital and Analog Signal What is it and its Types

Information is transmitted in many ways either with the use of one device or another. The difference between an analog and digital signal is one of the first questions we ask ourselves when we learn