Why Use Outdoor Advertising?

Outdoor advertising has been around almost as long as modern advertising methods have been in existence. With improvements to traditional types of outdoor advertising and new technologies, it’s more accessible than ever, and it’s a popular option for businesses of all sizes. Wondering why your company should consider outdoor advertising? Check out the following benefits to determine if it’s the right fit for you.

Outdoor Advertising

1. Increase Brand Recognition

When you want your business to become a household name, you need to have a recognizable brand and a billboard is a proven way to grow your recognition quickly, without much effort. When you take into consideration the number of times many drivers pass billboards on daily commutes or running errands, they’re sure to get a lasting impression of your business.

2. Boost Website and Social Media Traffic

The coveted result of any marketing campaign is increased website or social media traffic. Outdoor advertising can help to boost online activity, especially when the advertising campaign includes prompts to visit a website or social media page. Some billboards have been known to go “viral” and create huge booms in online traffic for companies with a creative message.

3. Maximize Your Marketing Budget

Marketing and advertising can get expensive quickly, making it difficult to decide how best to promote your brand without overspending. Outdoor advertising is often a budget friendly solution, when it comes to costs per impression. Meaning, you will often get more bang for your advertising buck with a and outdoor ad, such as a billboard, when compared to most other options. Working with the provider, you can determine how long to have your advertisement up, allowing you to customize your outdoor marketing strategy to fit into your current budget. However, you should be prepared for a 3-, 6- and up to 12-month commitment; although, Some digital billboard aggregating solutions allow for shorter advertising durations at a lower cost.

4. Improve Community Engagement

Want your target audience to see you as part of the community? Then you need to get out into the community! Outdoor advertising puts you right where the action is—on the streets, on buildings, on benches—anywhere your target audience is out and about. If you’re looking to boost your local customer base, keep your advertising local as well. Many are likely to go with a local business when possible, so let them know who you are and what you offer.

5. Set Your Brand Apart

Online marketing is very popular and for good reason. However, online users may see thousands of ads every time they browse the internet or social media sites. Outdoor advertising helps set your brand apart from all the other digital brands. Remember, your billboard doesn’t have to grab someone’s attention on their first sighting. Because they’ll likely pass it repeatedly, it’s not like they can click to close or simply ignore it. Your billboard isn’t going anywhere!

Don’t brush off outdoor advertising as an option that just won’t work for your brand. It can budget friendly when considering reach and frequency, is memorable and it helps you stand out. Outdoor advertising, including billboards have been around for a long time, and there’s a reason for that. Tried and true methods stick.

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