How Often Does Your Credit Score Update?

How to find out if your credit score has changed if you can’t wait to see an improvement?

If you are currently working on improving your credit score, the wait can feel endless, and updates are too infrequent. So let’s find out when credit scores update, what exactly affects it, and whether it is possible to speed up the process.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a three-digit number used to measure your credit health.

Often this is a figure between 300 and 850, which determines what loans you can count on and what the interest rate will be in this case.

The credit score is not a fixed figure, it changes regularly depending on your payment history and other factors.

How Often are Credit Scores Updated?

On average, the credit score is updated about once a month. However, it can change even faster if you interact with your credit history at this time. For example, you decide to receive a 100 dollar payday loan. In this case, there will be no impact on the credit history, since payday lenders do not send credit reports. Or you think: “I would like to borrow $100 instantly, how soon such a small loan for those with bad credit will affect my credit score?”

To answer this question, several factors must be taken into account:

  • The frequency of credit score updates is directly related to the receipt of credit reports by the three major credit bureaus;
  • Often, credit report is sent once a month or every 45 days;
  • Not all lenders send credit reports, you should check with your lender when discussing loan terms;

Based on this, we can conclude that your credit score inevitably changes constantly over time, and also its changes depend on credit reports.

Your payment history, the age of your account, your debt, and your credit card balances all affect your credit score.

In general, when it comes to the frequency of changing numbers, it would be correct to say that the numbers will be updated approximately every month.

However, it is possible to conduct a rapid rescore if the time issue is acute for you.

What is Rapid Rescoring?

Rapid rescoring will be most useful if you are planning to take out some kind of large loan like a mortgage, and your credit score falls short of the lender’s. In this case, rapid rescoring can be used to avoid waiting a month and a half before updating the credit scores of the three major credit bureaus.

We recommend doing this if you have recently taken some significant steps to improve your credit score and this has not yet shown up on your credit report. In this case, the lender can send a request and receive an updated credit score in just a couple of days. However, there are a few important points to consider:

  • You cannot request a rapid rescore yourself, only the lender always does this;
  • The lender does this on your behalf, and this service is not free;
  • This is not a correction of your credit score but only a revision, it will not correct the negative aspects of your credit history and will not fix previous mistakes;

How Often Do Lenders Report to the Credit Bureaus?

Often creditors send reports to credit bureaus once a month. However, not all lenders report, and not all lenders do so at the same time.

In order to know exactly how often your creditor sends reports, ask him this question directly.

In the event that you have several loans from different lenders, they may send reports at different times, and this will affect the frequency of credit score updates.

How to Check Your Credit Reports?

Even if you want to check your credit report update immediately after payment and as often as possible, you won’t be able to do it every day. However, free credit score weekly reports from three main credit bureaus are currently available to consumers; request them using

Why do Credit Scores Change?

To fully understand the process of updating and building a credit history, let’s look at the reasons why a credit score rises or falls in general.

Hard Inquiries

When lenders check your credit with a hard inquiry (also known as a “hard pull”), they often note their official review in your credit report.

This often happens if you are applying for large loans like a mortgage or planning to open a new credit card.

Such a check can significantly reduce your credit level if unpleasant details come to light. Unpaid debts, late payment receipts, or any other financial situation. To avoid lowering your credit score in such a situation, carefully review your credit reports yourself and be sure you have closed everything before such a review is carried out by the lender.

Late Payments

Since your payment history is 35 percent of your credit score, don’t ignore your payments on time.

In case of missed payments, payment of a penalty for the delay is expected. Further, if you do not have time to pay the required amount before the end of the grace period, this record will appear on your credit report and will be kept there for up to seven years.


While going bankrupt may be the only way to get out of debt in some situations, it also takes a huge toll on your credit score. It will have to be re-formed after that, and this may take years.

However, several factors can affect both positively and negatively your credit scores.

Changes to Your Credit Mix

In the event that you are doing an excellent job with repayments on various types of loans, this can positively affect your credit scores and solvency in the eyes of potential lenders. Personal loan and mortgage payments will have a positive effect on your credit report.

Age of Accounts

The universal rule is that the older your account, the better it is in the eyes of a potential lender.

The age of your credit history demonstrates your ability to maintain your credit health and manage your assets properly.

When it Comes to Your Credit Scores Updating

On average, credit scores are updated monthly, but it depends on how often your lender sends credit reports to credit bureaus.

Update credit score with the right financial steps, like paying your bills on time and managing your credit card balance properly.

In order for credit scores to be updated quickly, your lender may request rapid rescoring.

If you are still unsure how often your credit score updates, you should ask your lender for this information to know the exact timing.

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